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Oracle developer VM with Oracle 11g

I found here very good image for VirtualBox with oracle DB and Oracle Linux. But problem is, that I want to use Oracle 11g, but not 12c as in this image. I can't find link for this iso, but I am sure, that it must be in offcial Oracle site.

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Yuriy Mayorov Avatar asked May 23 '14 08:05

Yuriy Mayorov

People also ask

Can Oracle database run on VM?

Oracle fully supports the virtualization of Oracle software on VMware.

What is Oracle Virtual Appliance?

Oracle VM Virtual Appliances provide an innovative approach to deploying a fully configured software stack by offering pre-installed and pre-configured software images.

2 Answers

This one has Oracle 11g database and SQL Developer: http://download.oracle.com/otn/other/virtualbox/dd/Oracle_Developer_Day.ova See http://praitheesh.blogspot.nl/2013/10/oracle-developer-day-vm-how-to-use-pre.html for instructions

EDIT : Included comment below from @xwinus:

This link works, but requires little workaround. At first, accept the OTN license agreement on some other site, for example here: oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/oedq/downloads/…, then try the above link again. Now it redirects you to the Oracle SSO login page and allows you to download the file.

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Rob van Laarhoven Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Rob van Laarhoven

Jani Hur created a very useful appliance using turnkey Linux. Check his post.

It does not have Oracle installed but took me less than 10 minutes to have it all set. I tried the zend appliance and had a rough time.

Get the image and follow the instructions.

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lsborg Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10
