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OR operator in JSONPath?




Using a single JSONPath expression alone, is it possible to do some kind of 'OR' or '||' operator. For example, these two JSONPath boolean expressions work to check the severity of a log JSON file:

$..log[?(@.severity == 'WARN')]

$..log[?(@.severity == 'Error')]

But I'd like to do something logically similar to:

$..log[?(@.severity == 'WARN' or @.severity == 'Error')] //this is not correct 

Is there any way to do this?

like image 411
Andrew G Avatar asked May 27 '14 19:05

Andrew G

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: operator is the array slice operator, so you can slice collections using the syntax [start:end:step] to return a subcollection of a collection. ( ) operator lets you pass a script expression in the underlying implementation's script language. It's not supported by every implementation of JSONPath, however.

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You use a JSONPath expression to traverse the path to an element in the JSON structure. You start at the root node or element, represented by $, and reach the required element in the JSON structure to extract data from it. You can use either the dot-notation or the bracket-notation to form the expressions.

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3.3. JsonPath also has functions that we can use at the end of a path to synthesize that path's output expressions: min(), max(), avg(), stddev() and length(). Finally, we have filters. These are boolean expressions to restrict returned lists of nodes to only those that calling methods need.

2 Answers

If you are using Goessner's parser, you can use the || operator within your expression as follows:

$..log[?(@.severity == 'WARN' || @.severity == 'Error')]
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elyas-bhy Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


From the JSONPath page:

[,] - Union operator in XPath results in a combination of node sets. JSONPath allows alternate names or array indices as a set.


$..log[?(@.severity == 'WARN'), ?(@.severity == 'Error')]

Edit: Looks like there is an open issue for logical AND and OR operators in which they state that the operators are not yet supported by JSONPath.

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sirugh Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
