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options to allow heavily-weighted points on a map to overwhelm other points with low weights

what are some good kriging/interpolation idea/options that will allow heavily-weighted points to bleed over lightly-weighted points on a plotted R map?

the state of connecticut has eight counties. i found the centroid and want to plot poverty rates of each of these eight counties. three of the counties are very populated (about 1 million people) and the other five counties are sparsely populated (about 100,000 people). since the three densely-populated counties have more than 90% of the total state population, i would like those the three densely-populated counties to completely "overwhelm" the map and impact other points across the county borders.

the Krig function in the R fields package has a lot of parameters and also covariance functions that can be called, but i'm not sure where to start?

here is reproducible code to quickly produce a hard-bordered map and then three differently-weighted maps. hopefully i can just make changes to this code, but perhaps it requires something more complex like the geoRglm package? two of the three weighted maps look almost identical, despite one being 10x as weighted as the other..



hard-bordered connecticut map with county labels

example weighted map - fairfield, hartford, and new haven should overwhelm all other counties

edit: here's a picture example of the behavior i want-

enter image description here

like image 512
Anthony Damico Avatar asked Oct 01 '14 14:10

Anthony Damico

2 Answers

Kriging is not what you want. (It is a statistical method for accurate--not distorted!--interpolation of data. It requires preliminary analysis of the data--of which you do not have anywhere near enough for this purpose--and cannot accomplish the desired map distortion.)

The example and the references to "bleed over" suggest considering an anamorph or area cartogram. This is a map which will expand and shrink the areas of the county polygons so that they reflect their relative population while retaining their shapes. The link (to the SE GIS site) explains and illustrates this idea. Although its answers are less than satisfying, a search of that site will reveal some effective solutions.

like image 37
whuber Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


disclaimer - I am not an expert on Krigging. Krigging is complex and takes a good understanding of the underlying data, the method and the purpose to achieve the correct result. You may wish to try to get input from @whuber [on the GIS Stack Exchange or contact him through his website (http://www.quantdec.com/quals/quals.htm)] or another expert you know.

That said, if you just want to achieve the visual effect you requested and are not using this for some sort of statistical analysis, I think there are some relatively simple solutions.


As you commented, though the suggestions below to use theta and smoothness arguments do even out the prediction surface, they apply equally to all measurements and thus do not extend the "sphere of influence" of more densely populated counties relative to less-densely populated. After further consideration, I think there are two ways to achieve this: by altering the covariance function to depend on population density or by using weights, as you have. Your weighting approach, as I wrote below, alters the error term of the krigging function. That is, it inversely scales the nugget variance.

enter image description here

As you can see in the semivariogram image, the nugget is essentially the y-intercept, or the error between measurements at the same location. Weights affect the nugget variance (sigma2) as sigma2/weight. Thus, greater weights mean less error at small-scale distances. This does not, however, change the shape of the semivariance function or have much effect on the range or sill.

I think that the best solution would be to have your covariance function depend on population. however, I'm not sure how to accomplish that and I don't see any arguments to Krig to do so. I tried playing with defining my own covariance function as in the Krig example, but only got errors.

Sorry I couldn't help more!

Another great resource to help understand Krigging is: http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/specialstudies/dsisurfaces.pdf

As I said in my comment, the sill and nugget values as well as the range of the semivariogram are things you can alter to affect the smoothing. By specifying weights in the call to Krig, you are altering the variance of the measurement errors. That is, in a normal use, weights are expected to be proportional to the accuracy of the measurement value so that higher weights represent more accurate measurements, essentially. This isn't actually true with your data, but it may be giving you the effect you desire.

To alter the way your data is interpolated, you can adjust two (and many more) parameters in the simple Krig call you are using: theta and smoothness. theta adjusts the semivariance range, meaning that measured points farther away contribute more to the estimates as you increase theta. Your data range is

range <- data.frame(lon=range(ct.data$lon),lat=range(ct.data$lat))
       lon       lat
2 1.383717 0.6300484

so, your measurement points vary by ~1.4 degrees lon and ~0.6 degrees lat. Thus, you can play with specifying your theta value in that range to see how that affects your result. In general, a larger theta leads to more smoothing since you are drawing from more values for each prediction.

Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind(ct.data$lon,ct.data$lat) , ct.data$county.poverty.rate ,
                        weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),Covariance="Matern", theta=.8)  
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r, ct.map)
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta = 0.8", outer = FALSE)
text(ct.data$lon, ct.data$lat-0.05, ct.data$NAME, cex=0.5)


enter image description here

Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind(ct.data$lon,ct.data$lat) , ct.data$county.poverty.rate ,
                        weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),Covariance="Matern", theta=1.6)  
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r, ct.map)
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta = 1.6", outer = FALSE)
text(ct.data$lon, ct.data$lat-0.05, ct.data$NAME, cex=0.5)


enter image description here

Adding the smoothness argument, will change the order of the function used to smooth your predictions. The default is 0.5 leading to a second-order polynomial.

Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind(ct.data$lon,ct.data$lat) , ct.data$county.poverty.rate ,
                        weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),
                        Covariance="Matern", smoothness = 0.6)  
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r, ct.map)
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta unspecified; Smoothness = 0.6", outer = FALSE)
text(ct.data$lon, ct.data$lat-0.05, ct.data$NAME, cex=0.5)


enter image description here

This should give you a start and some options, but you should look at the manual for fields. It is pretty well-written and explains the arguments well. Also, if this is in any way quantitative, I would highly recommend talking to someone with significant spatial statistics know how!

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Cotton.Rockwood Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
