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Optional path segments in Spring MVC

Reading this (Spring 3) article from 2010, it discusses using an extension to provide a convenient way to include optional path segments:

public String handlePreview(@PathVariable long id, @PathVariable("preview/") boolean preview, @PathVariable("small/") boolean small) {
    return "view";

I know I could just implement a number of request mappings to achieve the same effect:


~~~ snip ~~~

But depending on the number of possible permutations, it seems like a very verbose option.

Does any later version of Spring (after 3) provide such a facility? Alternatively, is there any mechanism to chain portions of the request URL to feed a larger response method signature?


This answer to a question relating to sharing path variables and request parameters suggests an approach like:

@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value={"/campaigns","/campaigns/{id}"})
    public String getCampaignDetails(
         @PathVariable("id") String id)
        ~~~ snip ~~~

But the path variable cannot be set to null. Just going to /campaigns will return a 400 response.

like image 737
Michael Avatar asked Sep 11 '14 09:09


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1 Answers

Why you don't use java.util.Optional if you are using Java 1.8. To take your later example, you can avert a 400 response with put a Optional<String> instead of String representing your eventualy path like this:

@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value={"/campaigns","/campaigns/{id}"})
public String getCampaignDetails(
     @PathVariable("id") Optional<String> id)
      model.addAttribute("id", id.get());//id.get() return your String path
like image 190
Tanorix Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
