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Optional or conditional folders in NuGet files tag?

I would like to do something that MsBuild has: set up conditions the files referenced in .nuspec file.

Basically it would look like this:

  <file src="myFolder/aaa/*.dll" target="lib\net45" condition="!Exists('bestFolder')" />
  <file src="bestFolder/ccc/*.dll" target="lib\net45" condition="Exists('bestFolder')" />

Is there a way to do this? There can be several more folders and files grouped by a specific condition. Also note that some folders should be scanned if they exist.

Thanks, CssaBee

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CssaBee Avatar asked Jul 17 '14 12:07


1 Answers

no, right now this is not supported by NuGet. You can file a feature request for NuGet at https://nuget.codeplex.com/WorkItem/Create.

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Dan Liu Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Dan Liu