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Operation on ... may be undefined?

Line 77 is the line

trackTail[nodeNumber-1] = ++trackTail[nodeNumber-1] % 10;

You are changing trackTail[nodeNumber-1] twice between sequence points: once through ++, and once through assignment.

This is undefined behaviour.

The remedy is to rephrase the statement, for example like so:

trackTail[nodeNumber-1] = (trackTail[nodeNumber-1] + 1) % 10;

or like so:

trackTail[nodeNumber-1] %= 10;

You're modifying trackTail[nodeNumber - 1] between sequence points. It's like you're assigning

i = ++i;

which is also undefined behaviour.

Change your code to something like this:

trackTail[nodeNumber - 1] = (trackTail[nodeNumber - 1] + 1) % 10;

trackTail[nodeNumber-1] = ++trackTail[nodeNumber-1] % 10;

Yep, that's undefined behavior just as the error message says. You're not allowed to modify the same value twice without a sequence point in between. In this case that means you're not allowed to both increment trackTail[nodeNumber-1] using ++ and reassign it using =.

If you just use + 1 instead of ++, it will work fine.