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Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/update_rubygems



ended up installing ruby via homebrew. Install homebrew first:


then execute

brew install ruby

after that it worked flawlessly. It has something to do with the native ruby installation.

If you're having issues installing a specific gem after installing ruby through Homebrew (as advised above), try the following:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin GEM_NAME_HERE

Found this thanks to user endoplasmic on this issue thread: https://github.com/sass/sass/issues/1768

Starting with El Capitan, Apple prevents user applications to modify /usr/bin for security reasons. So just install/update rubygems in the recommended folder, /usr/local/bin:

sudo gem update -n /usr/local/bin --system

This is an 'issue' (Apple calls it a feature) of 10.11. Basically, you can't modify /usr/bin in 10.11 (not even as root (sudo su -), there are a number of other folders that also cannot be modified).

If you run ls -l /usr/bin you will notice that permissions are 555, or r-xr-xr-x (no write access). You cannot change these permissions using chmod.

This feature has the slightly incorrect name: 'rootless'. Apple says it is a security measure:


You can revert the feature using this gist:


#Beta 4 to Final Public Release (Must be run in Recovery Mode)
csrutil disable

#Beta 1-3
sudo nvram boot-args="rootless=0";sudo reboot

P.S. Some users say this doesn't work, and that you must boot into recovery first, as they do here:


I'm not recommending you do that. The best solution, is to just install ruby (and almost anything else) through Homebrew, since you still have write access to /usr/local, until Apple decides that is too insecure ...

For those that are still having this issue, basically it was a security upgrade that Apple release in the new OSx. It's a System Integrity Protection which is basically a "rootless" security system. Follow these steps to disable:


Take Note This should only be done if you understand what you are doing and why!