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How to use Rails 3's ActiveSupport core extensions outside Rails [duplicate]

I'm having a problem using ActiveSupport's core extensions on a gem I am developing.

I had it working with AS 2.3.8, but as soon as I wanted to port it to 3b4, the extensions stopped working and my test results are filled with lines such as:

undefined method `blank?' for "something":String 

I've included it via

gem "activesupport" 

followed by

require "active_support" 

Is there anything else I need to call to include those extensions?

like image 558
changelog Avatar asked Jun 16 '10 12:06


1 Answers

ActiveSupport is more separate now in Rails 3.

If you want the all active_support thing, you can require 'active_support/all' now.

But if you want only the blank? method, you can try

require 'active_support/core_ext/string' 
like image 84
shingara Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10
