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Opening VS Code settings window from extension with specific search query

I am writing a VS Code extension where I want to open the settings window programmatically from my extension. I want the window to already have the search filled out to only show the settings my extension provides, and also a way to select workspace settings vs user settings when opening the window. I know how to run vscode commands from my extension, but I cannot figure out which commands open that window.

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Thad House Avatar asked Dec 02 '18 20:12

Thad House

2 Answers

You can now pass an argument to the search, e.g.

vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'workbench.action.openSettings', 'editor.formatOnSaveTimeout' );


vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'workbench.action.openSettings', '<your extension>' );
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Nigel Scott Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Nigel Scott

You can open the Settings page using:


And to focus on the search input:


However, I do not believe it's possible to specify a search value, filter by an extension, or choose the scope (user or workspace). You may open a feature request in the GitHub repo.

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greenharbour Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10
