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VSCode setting to disable git status colors in editor gutter [duplicate]

What is the setting variable to turn this off

or if you know why Prettier - Javascript does format the code but some lines are still marked in color like here

I only have Prettier-eslint installed in command line so not sure what else can VSCode trigger

Color next to line numbers

like image 229
AlexGvozden Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 11:08


1 Answers

Those are gutter indicators that Vscode adds to files within a git repository. I don't see any way to get rid of them - other than staging or committing the changes.

You can change their colors within settings.json so you could change them to the same color as the editor background to hide them. For example,

 "workbench.colorCustomizations": {

  "editorGutter.addedBackground": "#333",
  "editorGutter.deletedBackground": "#333",
  "editorGutter.modifiedBackground": "#333",
  "editor.background": "#333",
like image 186
Mark Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
