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OpenGL- drawarrays or drawelements?



I'm making a small 2D game demo and from what I've read, it's better to use drawElements() to draw an indexed triangle list than using drawArrays() to draw an unindexed triangle list.

But it doesn't seem possible as far as I know to draw multiple elements that are not connected in a single draw call with drawElements().

So for my 2D game demo where I'm only ever going to draw squares made of two triangles, what would be the best approach so I don't end having one draw call per object?

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Darkalfx Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 13:10


1 Answers

Yes, it's better to use indices in many cases since you don't have to store or transfer duplicate vertices and you don't have to process duplicate vertices (vertex shader only needs to be run once per vertex). In the case of quads, you reduce 6 vertices to 4, plus a small amount of index data. Two thirds is quite a good improvement really, especially if your vertex data is more than just position.

In summary, glDrawElements results in

  • Less data (mostly), which means more GPU memory for other things
  • Faster updating if the data changes
  • Faster transfer to the GPU
  • Faster vertex processing (no duplicates)

Indexing can affect cache performance, if the reference vertices that aren't near each other in memory. Modellers commonly produce meshes which are optimized with this in mind.

For multiple elements, if you're referring to GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP you could use glPrimitiveRestartIndex to draw multiple strips of triangles with the one glDrawElements call. In your case it's easy enough to use GL_TRIANGLES and reference 4 vertices with 6 indices for each quad. Your vertex array then needs to store all the vertices for all your quads. If they're moving you still need to send that data to the GPU every frame. You could position all the moving quads at the front of the array and only update the active ones. You could also store static vertex data in a separate array.

The typical approach to drawing a 3D model is to provide a list of fixed vertices for the geometry and move the whole thing with the model matrix (as part of the model-view). The confusing part here is that the mesh data is so small that, as you say, the overhead of the draw calls may become quite prominent. I think you'll have to draw a LOT of quads before you get to the stage where it'll be a problem. However, if you do, instancing or some similar idea such as particle systems is where you should look.

Perhaps only go down the following track if the draw calls or data transfer becomes a problem as there's a lot involved. A good way of implementing particle systems entirely on the GPU is to store instance attributes such as position/colour in a texture. Each frame you use an FBO/render-to-texture to "ping-pong" this data between another texture and update the attributes in a fragment shader. To draw the particles, you can set up a static VBO which stores quads with the attribute-data texture coordinates for use in the vertex shader where the particle position can be read and applied. I'm sure there's a bunch of good tutorials/implementations to follow out there (please comment if you know of a good one).

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jozxyqk Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
