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OpenCL - incremental summation during compute



I'm absolutelly novice in OpenCL programming. For my app. (molecular simulaton) I wrote a kernel for calculate intermolecular potential of lennard-jones liquid. In this kernel I need to compute cumulative value of the potential of all particles with one:

__kernel void Molsim(__global const float* inmatrix, __global float* fi, const int c, const float r1, const float r2, const float r3, const float rc, const float epsilon, const float sigma, const float h1, const float h23)
   float fi0;
   float fi1;
   float d;

   unsigned int i = get_global_id(0); //number of particles (typically 2000)

   if(c!=i) {
      // potential before particle movement
      if(d<rc) {
      else {
      // potential after particle movement
      if(d<rc) {
        else {
      // cumulative difference of potentials
      // fi[0]+=fi1-fi0; changed to full size vector

My problem is in the line: fi[0]+=fi1-fi0;. In the one-element vector fi[0] are wrong results. I read something about sum reduction, but I do not know how to do it during the calculation.

Exist any simple solution of my problem?

Notice: I tried to add next kernel for the sum of the vector components (see code below), but there was an even greater slowdown than when I sum vector using the CPU.

__kernel void Arrsum(__global const float* inmatrix, __global float* outsum, const int inmatrixsize, __local float* resultScratch)
       // načtení indexu
      int gid = get_global_id(0);
      int wid = get_local_id(0);
      int wsize = get_local_size(0);
      int grid = get_group_id(0);
      int grcount = get_num_groups(0);

      int i;
      int workAmount = inmatrixsize/grcount;
      int startOffest = workAmount * grid + wid;
      int maxOffest = workAmount * (grid + 1);
      if(maxOffest > inmatrixsize){
        maxOffest = inmatrixsize;

    resultScratch[wid] = 0.0;
            resultScratch[wid] += inmatrix[i];

    if(gid == 0){
                    resultScratch[0] += resultScratch[i];
            outsum[grid] = resultScratch[0];
like image 592
Michal Avatar asked Oct 05 '12 05:10


1 Answers

I think you need the atomic_add atomic function for fi[0]+=fi1-fi0;

Warning: Use an atomic function reduces performance.

Here, two examples with the increment atomic function.

Example without atomic function and 2 workitems:

__kernel void inc(global int * num){
    num[0]++; //num[0] = 0
  1. Work Item 1 reads num[0]: 0
  2. Work Item 2 reads num[0]: 0
  3. Work Item 1 increments num[0]: 0 + 1
  4. Work Item 2 increments num[0]: 0 + 1
  5. Work Item 1 writes num[0]: num[0] = 1
  6. Work Item 2 writes num[0]: num[0] = 1

Result : num[0] = 1

Example with atomic function and 2 workitems:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics : enable

__kernel void inc(global int * num){
  1. Work Item 1 reads num[0]: 0
  2. Work Item 1 increments num[0]: 0 + 1
  3. Work Item 1 writes num[0]: num[0] = 1
  4. Work Item 2 reads num[0]: 1
  5. Work Item 2 increments num[0]: 1 + 1
  6. Work Item 2 writes num[0]: num[0] = 2

Result : num[0] = 2

like image 63
Alex Placet Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Alex Placet