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OpenACC in Visual C++

I want to parallelize my codes with OpenACC directives. It's said that it is a crossplatform API. The developer firms are giving no information about OpenACC in VisualStudio. Is there a way to do that?

like image 779
antonio Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 21:02


1 Answers

Currently there are only OpenACC implementations available from PGI, CAPS, and Cray. I think PGI mentioned a beta-level plug-in for Visual Studio in a 2010 newsletter but I don't think they have any official support. CAPS only mentions Linux support on their website. Cray is only available to users of Cray clusters, and I don't believe they run Windows.

So I think currently you need a Linux machine or possibly a Mac. I would expect this to change in the future but I'm not aware of specific plans.

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harrism Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 02:02
