I'm working with .js files. It is a medium sized angular project. I want to goto a definition (a method on a service that i injected on the controller). It doesn't work - nothing happens when i hit F12 or ctrl+click. Even though this works in SublimeText i can't get it to work here. Perhaps the feature is not implemented.
So i check out John Papa's series on VSC http://johnpapa.net/getting-started-with-visual-studio-code/ And i notice that there is a feature to search for a symbol in "all files". This would solve my problem. It's not as great as goto (with F12) but i can still navigate relatively quickly to the symbol without knowing the name of the file it was declared in.
When i type it, i get nothing. I hit ctrl+p and type # followed by a few letters. I get 'No symbols matching' nomatter what i type. It won't search my folder for some reason?
I do have one error:
and it refers to missing 'angular' element. That element is ofcourse defined in another file and i fail to see how this would break the functionality.
Using version 0.10.1
You need to install typings for angular to get IntelliSense.
First install tsd:
npm install tsd -g
Next inside your project install angular typing
tsd install angular -rs
(s parameter will create tsd.json).
Alternatively install it from VSC itself
Click on angular word and choose Download type definition angular.d.ts
"Open symbol by name" works now only for C# and TypeScript. code.visualstudio.com/Docs/editor/editingevolved
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