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Open Source license that requires giving credit in user's web site [closed]

I have this small code library that I'm considering releasing into Open Source. I want to release it under something similar to MIT License, i.e. no significant restrictions, however I would like to require that if you use my library on your servers, you have to give me credit on your website.

Basically, I want a license which is to MIT License as AGPL is to GPL.

Does something like this exist, or do I have to write my own?

Or is this just a Really Bad Idea?

EDIT: I guess I should have left out the "write my own" part. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't want to pay one. I just thought it would be nice to be able to tell if someone's using my lib with a simple Google search.

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itsadok Avatar asked Feb 05 '09 09:02


1 Answers

Look here :


and pleeeeeeeeeeease don't write your own!

From Aaron Digulla comment (Thank you Aaron):

It takes a lawyer a long time to write a license that will actually hold in court (and why would you want a license that doesn't?) Hundreds of people all over the world worked several MONTHS on GPL v3! – Aaron Digulla

On the other side :

When you work in a company and you will use opensource, you normally can choose among the licenses that are "approved" in the company :-).

a new license is normally a NO GO :-(

ATTENTION to Kodisha: From the cc-site:

Creative Commons licenses should not be used for software. We strongly encourage you to use one of the very good software licenses which are already available.

PS : see What Open Source License to choose?

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Blauohr Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
