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open new page (navigate to new site) when selecting a dataTable row

There a several related question on this topic on SO and elsewhere, but I couldn't find a definitive answer on this specific question.

I have a p:dataTable and I want the possibility to click on a row and open a detail page (a new page, not a dialogue or window).

I have solved it this way (which I have from the primefaces website, for some reason it is no longer there: http://web.archive.org/web/20101001223235/http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/datatableRowSelectionInstant.jsf):

<p:dataTable var="order" value="#{orderBean.orders}" selection="#{orderBean.selectedOrder}" selectionMode="single" rowKey="#{order.number}">
  <p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{orderBean.orderSelect}"/>
  <p:column ... />

The navigation is then executed in the bean:

public void orderSelect(SelectEvent event) {  
  ConfigurableNavigationHandler nh = (ConfigurableNavigationHandler)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getNavigationHandler();

My Question: is there a way of doing this just inside JSF without the help of a backing bean?

I am also asking because they removed the code exmaple from the primefaces site, which might be an indication that this is not the right way of doing something like that.

like image 251
Manuel M Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 08:03

Manuel M

3 Answers

Wrap the cell(s) of interest in a simple <h:link>.

    <h:link outcome="orderDetail">

Use if necessary CSS display:block on the link to let it span the entire cell. You can if necessary pass request parameters using a nested <f:param>.

like image 139
BalusC Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


since it is an ajax request, typically the request/response is used to re-render some components in the web page. What you could do is

<p:ajax event="someventofintrest" onsuccess="javascript:myjsmethod();"></p:ajax>


<p:remotecommand name="myjsmethod" action="#{mybean.mybeanmethod}" />

and in the backing bean

public String mybeanmethod(){
  return "mynewpage";  // Navigate away to mynewpage.xhtml


like image 1
maggu Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11


As I didn't find a really perfect solution, this is how I do it now.

I have now a "navigator" class like this

public class Navigator {
  public void nav(String page) {

And I call this class from my ajax event:

<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{navigator.nav('orderDetail')}"/>

As I said, not really perfect, but I like the fact that I don't have to write code in my backing bean. (Of course I have to write code for the Navigator, but that I can re-use.)

like image 1
Manuel M Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Manuel M