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Open file from NERDtree in specific window (or last active)




In VIM I've got 4 windows opened and a NERD tree like this: screenshot So, whenever I try to open the file from NERD, it's opened in first buffer (topleft pos). Sometimes in other buffers. Is there a way to open a file in bottom right position ? Mb there are workarounds ? Maybe I can force NERDtree to open file in last active window ? At the moment, it doesn't work this way :(

UPD: It looks like the problem is in hidden buffers. When the buffer was opened in one window, and then replaced by another - if you try to open the very first in another window, you'll get it opened in the window it was opened in the very first time.

like image 791
Andrew_Lvov Avatar asked Aug 31 '10 09:08


1 Answers

I'm using NERD tree 4.1.0 on Vim 7.2 and NERDTree does open files in the last active window by default.

From the docs:

Default key: o

Map option: NERDTreeMapActivateNode

Applies to: files and directories.

If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window.

But hitting enter when the file is selected has the same effect.

like image 138
Jacobo de Vera Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Jacobo de Vera