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"open call hierarchy" in eclipse not working



When I try to use the "Open call hierarchy" function in Eclipse, all of sudden it has stopped working. I don't get any results, it just shows the name of the method I wanted to see the call hierarchy for. This happens for all methods I try, even though they are all called by other methods.

I've tried opening eclipse with -clean -refresh, opening and closing eclipse and the project, updating the project, renaming the .metadata-file, and so far nothing has worked.

I've checked that it searches the whole workspace, and there are no filters on.

like image 520
Bugle Avatar asked Apr 19 '17 07:04


1 Answers

  1. Exit Eclipse
  2. Go into Workspace Directory/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core
  3. Delete savedIndexNames.txt
  4. Delete all *.index
  5. Restart Eclipse

The search results should now show up.

like image 200
Nitin Jain Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Nitin Jain