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Eclipse Juno/Kepler crashes



I've got problem with Eclipse. It crashes time by time (4-5 times a day), without any errors! (CPU usage is also normal), but I can't do anything - click or write in Eclipse, or close this application. Only kill "javaw" process in process manager helps. After restart, my workspace is corrupted and I have to configure some things again (custom perspectives and install other versions of JDK). It is very problematic.

Any ideas? Some info I have found, refer to older versions of eclipse.

I've tried EE and standard version, Kepler and Juno, on Windows, without any plugins.

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liquide Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 13:07


Video Answer

4 Answers

I add following line to eclipse.ini


and this line to config.ini


and my problem solved.

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Amir Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


1) If different Eclipse versions have the same problem, than it is problem of your PC configuration and not of Eclipse. Have you tried to do the same on other PC?

2) For your PC the problem may be old version of Java, e.g. Java 7 less than update 12.

3) Maybe current user setting were corrupted, try to login as different user.

4) Review /workspace/.metadata/.log for analysis.

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Paul Verest Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Paul Verest

I found solution: there isn't proper java version installed. My Eclipse was 64bit version, but there was only java 32-bit installed, so I install full pack: jre7 32bit, jre7 64bit, jre6 32bit and jre6 64bit. Now everything works properly.

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liquide Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


Even I was facing the same problem. In my case I had installed jdk6, 7, and 8 at the same time. My eclipse was using jdk6, My Android studio was using jdk8.

Solution : Uninstall all jdk,jre version and keep only one jdk-jre. I kept jdk6/jre6, this solved the issue

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Freak Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
