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Open an html page in a default browser from an add-in

I would like to insert a hyperlink to the task pane of my add-in, and I want this link to open support.html page in a default browser.

<a href="https://example.com/support.html" target="_blank">Support</a>

However, the above code opens support.html page inside the task pane. Users may not know how to go back to the main page of the add-in.

Does anyone know how to open the page in a default browser of users? (By the way, is it recommended to launch something outside the add-in? If not, what's the common UX design for the help page?)

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SoftTimur Avatar asked Jun 26 '16 23:06


2 Answers

You can open a new browser window from an Office Add-in via JavaScript: simply


Alternatively, if you want the browsing experience to be more in-line, you can use the dialog API:

    { height: 75, width: 80, requireHTTPS: true });

See https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-Add-in-UX-Design-Patterns-Code/tree/master/templates/feedback/office-store for a full example.

~ Michael Zlatkovsky, Developer on Office Extensibility Team, MSFT

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Michael Zlatkovsky - Microsoft Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Michael Zlatkovsky - Microsoft

If you are trying to open the default OS Browser use the following:


This launches the default browser instead of a Dialog box attached to the Addin


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Phil C Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Phil C