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Microsoft Office Web App PowerPoint API



Facebook has a nice way to preview powerpoint files.. It goes to a microsoft link, e.g. link. You can browse the presentation etc, all very nice and useful for the user and Facebook.

However, I cannot find any sort of API doing that with microsoft.

I found this blog post, which is kindof what I want, but its not referencing any API that I can use to produce this programmatically.

I have a website which users can store files (also powerpoint presentations) and would like them to be able to preview it.

Has anyone got any experience with this? Preferably not going through microsoft route (if possible)..

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Matej Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 23:12


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1 Answers

Assuming your Powerpoint is hosted on your website and is publicly accessible, all you have to do is prepend it in this way http://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=<Document Location>. Here's an example.

This works with ANY office document type including PDF!



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Korayem Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10
