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Only set property on one object



How can I make a boolean property like a RadioButton? You know, like a RadioButton, only one can be selected?

Like example below.

When I set one Employee IsResponsiblePerson to true, it should set all others to false. Without using a loop.

var list = new ObservableCollection<Employee>();

public class Employee
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public string Surname{get;set;}
    public bool IsResponsiblePerson{get;set;}
like image 376
user1702369 Avatar asked Sep 07 '17 10:09


1 Answers

What i'd probably do if I didn`t want to use loops, is, as Lasse V. Karlsen says in a comment, store instead the name of the "ResponsiblePerson" in another property:

static string ResponsiblePerson {get;set;}

And change the IsResponsiblePerson property to something like this:

public bool IsResponsiblePerson 
        return this.Name == ResponsiblePerson; 
        if (value)
             ResponsiblePerson = this.Name;
            if (this.Name == ResponsiblePerson)
                ResponsiblePerson = "";

Sample code:

List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>() { new Employee() { Name = "name1" },
                                                    new Employee() { Name = "name2" },
                                                    new Employee() { Name = "name3" } };

Employee emp1 = employees.Where(x => x.Name == "name1").First();
emp1.IsResponsiblePerson = true;

Employee emp2 = employees.Where(x => x.Name == "name2").First();
emp2.IsResponsiblePerson = true;

foreach (Employee e in employees) 
     Console.WriteLine(e.IsResponsiblePerson); //false true false

I've made a DotNetFiddle sample here

like image 124
5 revs, 4 users 77%SuperG Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

5 revs, 4 users 77%SuperG