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OnLocationChanged callback is never called

I am trying to get the users current location using the LocationManager. I have done a lot of research and can't seem to find anyone with the same problem. The OnLocationChanged callback never seems to be called. Below is my various code and the logcat.

protected LocationListener locationListener; protected LocationManager locationManager; protected Context context; 

My OnCreate() method

@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);     Log.v(TAG, "IN ON CREATE");      this.context = getActivity();      registerLocationUpdates(); } 

My registerLocationUpdates method

void registerLocationUpdates() {     Criteria criteria = new Criteria();     criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_LOW);     criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW);     criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false);     criteria.setBearingRequired(false);      locationManager = (LocationManager)getActivity().getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);      provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true);      // Cant get a hold of provider     if (provider == null) {         Log.v(TAG, "Provider is null");         showNoProvider();         return;     } else {         Log.v(TAG, "Provider: " + provider);     }      locationListener = new MyLocationListener();      locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 1L, 1f, locationListener);      // connect to the GPS location service     Location oldLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);      if (oldLocation != null)  {         Log.v(TAG, "Got Old location");         latitude = Double.toString(oldLocation.getLatitude());         longitude = Double.toString(oldLocation.getLongitude());         waitingForLocationUpdate = false;         getNearbyStores();     } else {         Log.v(TAG, "NO Last Location found");     } } 

My LocationListener

private class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener {      public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {         latitude = Double.toString(location.getLatitude());         longitude = Double.toString(location.getLongitude());          Log.v(TAG, "IN ON LOCATION CHANGE");          if (waitingForLocationUpdate) {             getNearbyStores();             waitingForLocationUpdate = false;         }          locationManager.removeUpdates(this);     }      public void onStatusChanged(String s, int i, Bundle bundle) {         Log.v(TAG, "Status changed: " + s);     }      public void onProviderEnabled(String s) {         Log.e(TAG, "PROVIDER DISABLED: " + s);     }      public void onProviderDisabled(String s) {         Log.e(TAG, "PROVIDER DISABLED: " + s);     } } 

My permissions in the AndroidManifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> 

And finally the logcat after I run my app

01-25 09:43:10.963: VERBOSE/NearbyListFragment(3060): IN ON CREATE 01-25 09:43:10.963: VERBOSE/LocationManagerService(1329): getProviders 01-25 09:43:10.963: VERBOSE/LocationManagerService(1329): getProviders 01-25 09:43:10.973: VERBOSE/LocationManagerService(1329): getProviders 01-25 09:43:10.983: VERBOSE/NearbyListFragment(3060): Provider: gps 01-25 09:43:10.983: DEBUG/LocationManager(3060): requestLocationUpdates: provider = gps, listener = co.fusionweb.dealsplus.app.NearbyItems$NearbyListFragment$MyLocationListener@46ef4680 01-25 09:43:10.983: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(1329): setMinTime 1 01-25 09:43:10.983: VERBOSE/NearbyListFragment(3060): NO Last Location found 01-25 09:43:10.983: VERBOSE/LocationManagerService(1329): _requestLocationUpdates: listener = Receiver{47421e68 Listener android.os.BinderProxy@47421a68} 01-25 09:43:11.003: VERBOSE/countingFragment(3060): IN ON CREATE VIEW 01-25 09:43:11.003: WARN/GpsLocationProvider(1329): Duplicate add listener for co.fusionweb.dealsplus 01-25 09:43:11.013: VERBOSE/ScrollListener(3060): In Constructor 01-25 09:43:11.013: VERBOSE/ScrollListener(3060): Scrolling 01-25 09:43:11.033: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(1329): startNavigating 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_set_qos_time_out(standalone = 60, agps = 89) 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_set_qos_accuracy(accuracy = 50) 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/lib_locapi(1329): persist.radio.agps.mode: [] 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_set_position mode, client = 1, interval = 1, mode = 1 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 1, ioctl_type = 2 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): loc_ioctl 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): written RPC packet size: [96] 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet size: [28] 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): loc_api_sync_ioctl: select_id = 0, loc_ioctl returned 0 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet size: [80] 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): Callback received: 80 (cb_id=0x5310000 handle=1) 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): written RPC packet size: [28] 01-25 09:43:11.043: VERBOSE/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 1, ioctl_type = 2, SUCCESS 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_start 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): loc_start_fix 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): written RPC packet size: [44] 01-25 09:43:11.043: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet 01-25 09:43:11.053: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet size: [28] 01-25 09:43:11.103: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet 01-25 09:43:11.103: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet size: [80] 01-25 09:43:11.113: VERBOSE/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): Callback received: 100 (cb_id=0x5310000 handle=1) 01-25 09:43:11.113: VERBOSE/lib_locapi(1329): process_deferred_action: pthread_cond_wait returned 01-25 09:43:11.113: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_report_status: GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN 01-25 09:43:11.113: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_report_status: update status 01-25 09:43:11.113: VERBOSE/GpsLocationProvider(1329): reportStatus status: 1 01-25 09:43:11.113: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(1329): Acquiring wakelock 01-25 09:43:11.123: DEBUG/RPC(1329): written RPC packet size: [28] 01-25 09:43:11.183: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(1329): New lightsensor value:40, lcdValue:77 01-25 09:43:11.273: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet 01-25 09:43:11.273: DEBUG/RPC(1329): read RPC packet size: [80] 01-25 09:43:11.273: VERBOSE/locapi_rpc_glue(1329): Callback received: 100 (cb_id=0x5310000 handle=1) 01-25 09:43:11.273: VERBOSE/lib_locapi(1329): process_deferred_action: pthread_cond_wait returned 01-25 09:43:11.273: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_report_status: GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_ON 01-25 09:43:11.273: DEBUG/lib_locapi(1329): loc_eng_report_status: update status 01-25 09:43:11.273: VERBOSE/GpsLocationProvider(1329): reportStatus status: 3 

And the android SDK location parts of the logcat keep repeating them selves. I have tried everything that i can think of and have seen on google and stackoverflow. Als just as a side note i have been able to get it to work on a 2.3 device using the requestSingleUpdate which is available in API 9 and by following the guide A Deep Dive into Location but i need it to work on 2.1 or 2.2 and higher using the old SDK. SO if you have any hints or would like to know more please let me know. Thanks in advance.

like image 801
smitt04 Avatar asked Jan 25 '12 17:01


2 Answers

It looks like you setup should work, since it doesn't, I would make your example as simple as possible in order to troubleshoot. I would make your request look like

requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener); requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener); 

This way you get ALL the updates possible. And comment out the part about getting the last known location. It's not needed yet.

Then in onLocationChanged(), just have

Log.v(TAG, "IN ON LOCATION CHANGE, lat=" + latitude + ", lon=" + longitude); 

Comment out the rest so that you keep your listener active. This should give you a stream of updates on a real device. On the emulator, you'll need to use DDMS, and you'll get one GPS update each time you press send.

like image 96
Steve Blackwell Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Steve Blackwell





solved my problem.

Here is code snippet of my location manager

 LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getActivity().getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); 

//Check for Location permissions, Marshmallow and above

        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getActivity(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED                 && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getActivity(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {             // TODO: Consider calling             //    ActivityCompat#requestPermissions             // here to request the missing permissions, and then overriding             //   public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,             //                                          int[] grantResults)             // to handle the case where the user grants the permission. See the documentation             // for ActivityCompat#requestPermissions for more details.              Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Not Enough Permission", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();             return;         } 

//Get current location to start with

        Location myLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER);          currentLatitude = myLocation.getLatitude();         currentLongitude = myLocation.getLongitude(); 

// Request location update using LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER

        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER,                 MIN_TIME_BW_UPDATES,                 MIN_DISTANCE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATES, MapFragment.this); 
like image 34
Hitesh Sahu Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10

Hitesh Sahu