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On console.log, ViewChild variable is undefined in unit test

I'm trying to test a component that has an @ViewChild annotation. One of the functions that I'm trying to test calls the @ViewChild's element for focus. However, when I try to log out the @ViewChild variable, it is always undefined. I thought componentFixture.detectChanges() would initiate the ElementRef, but it doesn't seem to.

Is there any way to make it so it isn't undefined?

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tallkid24 Avatar asked Apr 06 '16 00:04


People also ask

Why is ViewChild undefined in Angularjs?

So, when the component is initialized the component is not yet displayed until "showMe" is true. Thus, my @ViewChild references were all undefined. This is where I used @ViewChildren and the QueryList that it returns. See angular article on QueryList and a @ViewChildren usage demo.

What does ViewChild return?

Another critical difference is that @ViewChild returns a single native DOM element as a reference, while the @ViewChildren decorator returns the list of different native DOM elements in the form of QueryList , which contains the set of elements.

Why do we use @ViewChild in angular2?

The @ViewChild decorator allows us to inject into a component class references to elements used inside its template, that's what we should use it for. Using @ViewChild we can easily inject components, directives or plain DOM elements.

2 Answers

You didn't show your code but, probably u have that undefined because you did your ViewChild like: @ViewChild(MySubComponent) instead of


and then in your template:

<my-sub-component #componentref></my-sub-component>

and of course you need to init your component with componentFixture.detectChanges()

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PaTT Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09


I don't know which version of Angular2 you use and how you initialize your test suite but the detectChanges method on the ComponentFixture instance is responsible to set such fields.

Here is a sample test that shows this:

it('should set testElt', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
    return tcb.createAsync(MyList).then((componentFixture: ComponentFixture) => {


      var testElt = componentFixture.componentInstance.testElt;
      expect(testElt.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Some test');

See the corresponding plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/THMBXX?p=preview.

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Thierry Templier Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Thierry Templier