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Old versions of Firebase for Unity (Firebase SDK 4.5.0)

In my Unity project, I am using libraries that depend on Play Services 11.8.0 and they crash with 12.0.1.

The latest Firebase 4.5.1 requires Play Services 12.0.1.

And for some reason I can't find on Google's website older versions of SDKs. Am I missing something really obvious or for some reason they are pushing the latest version that hard?

Where is an official location to get Firebase SDK 4.5.0?

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Vladyslav Melnychenko Avatar asked Apr 19 '18 12:04

Vladyslav Melnychenko

People also ask

How do I check my Firebase SDK version in Unity?

In the download URLs just replace the version number with your preferred SDK version. One can look into the Assets/Firebase/m2repository directory to find the Firebase SDK version.

How do I find my Firebase SDK version?

If you're working with node, the version of the Firebase Admin SDK you're using is listed in your package. json file with the name firebase-admin . This user is second on the weekly Google Cloud leaderboard. That is the library.

2 Answers

In case anyone needs it - here is a magic link - https://dl.google.com/firebase/sdk/unity/firebase_unity_sdk_${version}.zip

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Vladyslav Melnychenko Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Vladyslav Melnychenko

To download individual packages instead of the whole SDK, go to:


In the download URLs just replace the version number with your preferred SDK version.

One can look into the Assets/Firebase/m2repository directory to find the Firebase SDK version.

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Gayan Weerakutti Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09

Gayan Weerakutti