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ODP.net pass UDT as table to a stored procedure in C#

I have a custom Type which looks like this

create or replace TYPE order_type AS OBJECT
   order_type VARCHAR2 (50),
   quantity VARCHAR2 (50),
   price NUMBER,


Table defined as below

create or replace TYPE order_tabtype AS TABLE OF order_type;

Stored Procedure

  PROCEDURE create_order (acc_number  VARCHAR2,
                            order_items devs.order_tabtype,
                            confirmation_num OUT VARCHAR2)

How should I prepare my C# classes to make my stored procedure call to work. Most of the examples I referred either pass UDT as array or there is only table of default type.But I need to pass Custom Type as Table.

like image 760
Praneeth Avatar asked Oct 25 '15 01:10


1 Answers

Here is simple example I use for UDT in ODP.NET demonstration. Here is passing of three UDT instances in a table as bind variable:

void Main()
    using (var connection = new OracleConnection("DATA SOURCE=hq_pdb_tcp;PASSWORD=oracle;USER ID=HUSQVIK"))

        using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
            command.CommandText = "DECLARE x SYS.ODCISECOBJTABLE := :p; BEGIN :r := x.COUNT; END;";

            var parameter = command.CreateParameter();
            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            parameter.ParameterName = "p";
            parameter.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Array;
            parameter.UdtTypeName = "SYS.ODCISECOBJTABLE";
            parameter.Value =
                new OdciSecObjTable
                    Values = new OdciSecObj[]
                        new OdciSecObj { POBJSCHEMA = "V1", POBJNAME = "V2", OBJSCHEMA = "V3", OBJNAME = "V4" },
                        new OdciSecObj { POBJSCHEMA = "V5", POBJNAME = "V6", OBJSCHEMA = "V7", OBJNAME = "V8" },
                        new OdciSecObj { POBJSCHEMA = "V9", POBJNAME = "V10", OBJSCHEMA = "V11", OBJNAME = "V12" }


            var resultParameter = command.CreateParameter();
            resultParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            resultParameter.ParameterName = "r";
            resultParameter.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal;



public class OdciSecObjTable : CustomCollectionTypeBase<OdciSecObjTable, OdciSecObj>

public class OdciSecObj : CustomTypeBase<OdciSecObj>
    public string POBJSCHEMA;
    public string POBJNAME;
    public string OBJSCHEMA;
    public string OBJNAME;

    public override void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt)
        OracleUdt.SetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "POBJSCHEMA", POBJSCHEMA);
        OracleUdt.SetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "POBJNAME", POBJNAME);
        OracleUdt.SetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "OBJSCHEMA", OBJSCHEMA);
        OracleUdt.SetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "OBJNAME", OBJNAME);

    public override void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt)
        POBJSCHEMA = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "POBJSCHEMA");
        POBJNAME = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "POBJNAME");
        OBJSCHEMA = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "OBJSCHEMA");
        OBJNAME = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(connection, pointerUdt, "OBJNAME");

public abstract class CustomCollectionTypeBase<TType, TValue> : CustomTypeBase<TType>, IOracleArrayTypeFactory where TType : CustomTypeBase<TType>, new()
    public TValue[] Values;

    public override void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt)
        OracleUdt.SetValue(connection, pointerUdt, 0, Values);

    public override void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt)
        Values = (TValue[])OracleUdt.GetValue(connection, pointerUdt, 0);

    public Array CreateArray(int elementCount)
        return new TValue[elementCount];

    public Array CreateStatusArray(int elementCount)
        return new OracleUdtStatus[elementCount];

public abstract class CustomTypeBase<T> : IOracleCustomType, IOracleCustomTypeFactory, INullable where T : CustomTypeBase<T>, new()
    private bool _isNull;

    public IOracleCustomType CreateObject()
        return new T();

    public abstract void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt);

    public abstract void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection connection, IntPtr pointerUdt);

    public bool IsNull
        get { return this._isNull; }

    public static T Null
        get { return new T { _isNull = true }; }
like image 129
Husqvik Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09
