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Odoo v8 fails to load from remote server installation



I downloaded latest version of Odoo (Openerp v8) from GitHub. When installed on my localhost (my pc) it works fine. Now whenever I tried to install it on my remote server, database is created but not loaded and I have a blank page when it comes to my-remote-ip:8072/web (I launched it openerp-gevent along my config file but the same happens with the openerp-server command too).

When I check the log file, the process is stuck at:

.... INFO my-db-username openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_http: Generating routing map

The last request processed by the system is:

'werkzeug.request': http://my-remote-ip:8072/web/js/web.assets_backend/77f77e2' [GET]>

This request is not served and leads to a blank page. I'm on ubuntu 14.04. I wonder if there is protection in the coding that prevents odoo to be used from a remote server.

Please, can someone help me how to bypass this issue?

like image 957
user3870487 Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 04:10


2 Answers

Use different DB for your remote server not same as localhost.

try to run remote server using this command

./openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=8072

you can change the port number.

Hope this will help... :)

like image 156
bud-e Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10


I've been testing in virtual machines recently. IMHO check the postgress database and if all is working fine, then check python dependences, perhaps you missed some?

I've used this quick guide with success for my ubuntu 14.04 Vm with odoo 8

like image 42
XaRz Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10
