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How to fix 'HttpRequest' object has no attribute 'endpoint_arguments' in Odoo?

I was given a database backup (with filestore), the filestore folder and another folder with the installed modules on that database.

I am expected to restore that backup in Odoo 8 with no more data. So what I did is create the PostgreSQL role who owns the database tables and give it enough permissions (login, createdb, replication). Then I created an Odoo config file. Inside this, I set this new PostgreSQL role in db_user and its password in db_password. I added the path where I stored the filestore in data_dir, and the path of the folder with all the modules in addons_path.

As I was given no launcher file, I copied the OCB folder of other Odoo instance I have and used its odoo.py file to start Odoo.

The new instance seems to run well, but now I have just restored the database, and I get this error:

QWebException: "'HttpRequest' object has no attribute 'endpoint_arguments'" while evaluating

I was googling a lot but I was not able to find anything about it, except for a non-answered question in other forum.

Does anyone know what is this about?

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forvas Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 13:11


1 Answers

Changes related to this issue were introduced in Odoo on 29 February, 2016 (I mean the following changes: [FIX] website: alternate languages translated URL and [FIX] website: backport of as you can check for now these changes are available in the official Odoo 8.0 code base as well).
So most probably you have used outdated Odoo 8.0 server that do not contain above mentioned fixes. Please update to the latest official Odoo 8.0 and check if the issue still persists. Normally your issue should disappear after the update.

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T.V. Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 22:12
