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Obtain patterns from a file, compare to a column of another file, print matching lines, using awk






I'd essentially like to combine the power of

grep -f 


awk '{ if($2=="this is where I'd like to input a file of fixed string patterns") print $0}'

Which is to say, I'd like to search a specific column of a file (File 1) with an input file of patterns (File 2). If a match is found simply:

> outputfile.txt

From a previous post, this awk line is really close:

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=1;next} {n=0;for(i in a){if($0~i){n=1}}} n' file1 file2

Taken from Obtain patterns in one file from another using ack or awk or better way than grep?

But it doesn't search a specific column of file 1. I'm open to other tools as well.

like image 384
Chris J. Vargo Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 01:01

Chris J. Vargo

2 Answers

The example you found is indeed very close to what you want, the only difference is that you don't want to match the whole line ($0).

Modify it to something like this:

awk 'NR==FNR { pats[$0]=1; next } { for(p in pats) if($2 ~ p) { print $0; break } }' patterns file

If you only need a fixed string match, use the index() function instead, i.e. replace $2 ~ p with index($2, p).

You could also provide the column number as an argument to awk, e.g.:

awk -v col=$col 'NR==FNR { pats[$0]=1; next } { for(p in pats) if($col ~ p) { print $0; break } }' patterns file

Edit - whole field matching

You can accomplish this with the == operator:

awk -v col=$col 'NR==FNR { pats[$0]=1; next } { for(p in pats) if($col == p) { print $0; break } }' patterns file
like image 76
Thor Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10


This is using awk:

awk 'BEGIN { while(getline l < "patterns.txt") PATS[l] } $2 in PATS' file2

Where file1 is the file you are searching, and patterns.txt is a file with one exact pattern per file. The implicit {print} has been omitted but you can add it and do anything you like there.

The condition $2 in PATS will be true is the second column is exactly one of the patterns.

If patterns.txt are to be treated as regexp matches, modify it to

ok=0;{for (p in PATS) if ($2 ~ p) ok=1}; ok

So, for example, to test $2 against all the regexps in patterns.txt, and print the third column if the 2nd column matched:

awk 'BEGIN { while(getline l < "patterns.txt") PATS[l] } 
     ok=0;{for (p in PATS) if ($2 ~ p) ok=1}; ok 
    {print $3}' < file2

And here's a version in perl. Similar to the awk version except that it uses regexps instead of fields.

perl -ne 'BEGIN{open $pf, "<patterns.txt"; %P=map{chomp;$_=>1}<$pf>} 
   /^\s*([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+).*$/ and exists $P{$2} and print' < file2

Taking that apart:

  open $pf, "<patterns.txt"; 
  %P = map {chomp;$_=>1} <$pf>;

Reads in your patterns file into a has %P for fast lookup.

/^\s*([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+).*$/ and  # extract your fields into $1, $2, etc
exists $P{$2} and                 # See if your field is in the patterns hash
print;                            # just print the line (you could also 
                                  # print anything else; print "$1\n"; etc)

It gets slightly shorter if your input file is tab-separated (and when you know that there's exactly one tab between fields). Here's an example that matches the patterns against the 5th column:

 perl -F"\t" -ane '
    BEGIN{open $pf, "<patterns.txt"; %P=map{chomp;$_=>1}<$pf>} 
    exists $P{$F[4]} and print ' file2

This is thanks to perl's -F operator that tells perl to auto-split into columns based on the separator (\t in this case). Note that since arrays in perl start from 0, $F[4] is the 5th field.

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Faiz Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10
