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Observables: Complete vs finally vs done



When speaking about Observables (especially rxjs), what is the difference between "finally" and "done" or "complete"?

like image 844
Alexander Taylor Avatar asked Jun 27 '17 01:06

Alexander Taylor

People also ask

Is Observable complete?

An observable can either produce values (calling the next callback), or it can complete, calling either the complete or error callback.

Does Observable complete on error?

A well-behaved Observable will call an Observer's complete() method exactly once or the Observer's error(err) method exactly once, as the last notification delivered.

Does Observable complete unsubscribe?

In these cases, the observable will call . complete() after it has emitted all of it's values. There's no need to unsubscribe. It completes on it's own, which means it unsubscribes all subscribers automatically.

Which is better promise or Observable?

The biggest difference is that Promises won't change their value once they have been fulfilled. They can only emit (reject, resolve) a single value. On the other hand, observables can emit multiple results. The subscriber will be receiving results until the observer is completed or unsubscribed from.

2 Answers

Finally always happens whenever an observable sequence terminates (including errors); completed only happens when it terminates without errors.


Invokes a specified action after the source observable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally.



An Observable calls this method after it has called onNext for the final time, if it has not encountered any errors.


"Done" isn't an rx/observables concept. I've just seen it printed in examples of "Complete" / "OnComplete".

Note: when you call subscribe, the syntax is usually:

observable.subscribe([observer] | [onNext], [onError], [onCompleted]);
// Like this:
    (value) => { ... },
    (error) => { ... },
    () => { console.log('complete!'); }


  next: x => console.log('got value ' + x),
  error: err => console.error('something wrong occurred: ' + err),
  complete: () => console.log('done'),

Whereas finally is handled like this:

observable.finally(() => { console.log('finally!'); })
          .subscribe(...) // you can still call subscribe
like image 61
Alexander Taylor Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Alexander Taylor

To be more precise, the finally() operator adds a dispose handler. The complete notification just calls the complete handler in observers.

What this means in practise:

  • When using finally() the callback is going to be called in every situation that causes unsubscription. That's when complete and error notifications are received by observers but also when you manually unsubscribe.

    See demo: https://jsbin.com/dasexol/edit?js,console

  • complete or error handlers are called only when the appropriate notification is received. Only 0 - 1 handlers can be called but never both of them.

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martin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
