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How does rxjs observable perform compare to $watch in Angularjs 1.X?

I've heard from various ng-speakers how $watch is dangerous for performance of your application. I was wondering if anyone has compared performance of Rxjs' Observable against $watch in an AngularJS application. I know that Observables is going to be part of Angular 2.

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pchitre Avatar asked Apr 17 '15 21:04


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RxJS introduces Observables, a new Push system for JavaScript. An Observable is a Producer of multiple values, "pushing" them to Observers (Consumers). A Function is a lazily evaluated computation that synchronously returns a single value on invocation.

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1 Answers

The two mechanisms of observing changes are inherently different.

$watch is a brute force, pull-based mechanism. Where the observer is active and (generally) needs to visit each observed object / expression after any change happened. Surely the more to observe the slower the whole process.

Observable implements a push-based mechanism. Observer is passive and gets notified when something changed. Properly implemented it allows much more intelligent propagation of changes.

From what I know, using Observables in angular 2.0 is optional, but advised. Moreover, angular 2.0 is going to implement one-directional data flow similar to flux. Data changes propagate only downwards in DOM -- a component can directly observe / depend on data of their ancestors but not their descendants. After a change there is a guarantee that only some subtree of DOM needs update. In most cases this subtree will be much smaller than the whole DOM.

There is a great video from 2015 ng-conf benchmarking angular 1.x, react and angular 2.0. (not sure if it uses Observables though)

One last thing about Observable: it offers way more than the above description and it is a great way of dealing with asynchronous events.

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artur grzesiak Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

artur grzesiak