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Get all scope variables from query parameters

As the title says, what I want to do is grab all variables from the URL and place them in the scope variables.

Essentially, I'll have a URL like this (format may be changed)


I also have my controller code which looks something like:

m.controller('maps', function ($scope) {
    $scope.opts = {
        val: false,
        lav: false
    $scope.eg = "Hello, World!";

Essentially, what I want to do is to grab this part: opt.val=true&eg=foobar and set the controller variables to those values so I'll end up with my variables as:

$scope.opt.val = true;
$scope.eg      = "foobar";
$scope.lav     = false;

Is there an "angular" or better way to do this rather than evaling / parsing the url, then just looping and dumping it in the scope? This seems like a very "hacky" way.

If this isn't clear enough, I'll be happy to provide more clarification

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Downgoat Avatar asked Nov 08 '15 20:11


People also ask

How will you get the information about all variables that are currently in scope?

You can see scopes and their variables in [[Scopes]] , even closure scopes using console. dir() .

How can you capture query params sent by GET method?

Your query parameters can be retrieved from the query object on the request object sent to your route. It is in the form of an object in which you can directly access the query parameters you care about. In this case Express handles all of the URL parsing for you and exposes the retrieved parameters as this object.

Is VAR globally scoped?

The var statement declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializing it to a value.

3 Answers

Ok, for starters, you can simply grab the values using the $location service

var search = $location.search();
// should look like
// {
//     "opt.val": "true",
//     "eg": "foobar"
// }

Next, you can use the $parse service to assign the values to your $scope

angular.forEach(search, function(val, key) {
    $parse(key).assign($scope, val);

Keep in mind that every value in $location.search() is a string, including "true" and "false" so you may need some extra logic to handle those if you want Boolean values. Maybe something like this

angular.forEach(search, function(val, key) {
    var evald = $scope.$eval(val);
    if (evald !== undefined) {
        val = evald;
    $parse(key).assign($scope, val);

Plunker demo ~ http://plnkr.co/edit/xOnDdWUW8PgsMFgmXr0r?p=preview

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Phil Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10


There are some ways you can do that:

#1 Using $StateParams

If you are using URLRouting of angular, you can use $stateParams which returns exactly what you want. All you have to do, is define your parameters in your Router. Example:

.state('contacts.detail', {
    url: "/contacts?myParam&myParam2",
    templateUrl: 'contacts.detail.html',
    controller: function ($stateParams) {
        // If we got here from a url of /contacts/42
        expect($stateParams).toBe({contactId: "42"});

This defines your route contacts receiving myParam and myParam2. After this, you can use $stateParamsService to parse this parameters in your controller very easy:

controller: function($stateParams){
  $stateParams.myParam //*** Exists! ***//

#2 Using $location

If you aren't using routes, and want more low-level service, you can inject $location in your controller and service, and parse the querys, eg:

var paramValue = $location.search().myParam; 

But it is necessary to enable html5mode first, and it will work


Hope it helps

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Túlio Castro Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Túlio Castro

Angular way would be. Just inject $routeParams in your controller.

See example below

// Given:
// URL: http://server.com/index.html#/Chapter/1/Section/2?search=moby
// Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
// Then
$routeParams ==> {chapterId:'1', sectionId:'2', search:'moby'}

See more details here $routeParams

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Dmytro Pastovenskyi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Dmytro Pastovenskyi