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How can I stub/mock a function in the javascript global namespace

I'm trying to stub/mock/override a function call during testing which writes a log to a DB.

function logit(msg) {

function tryingToTestThisFunction(){
  var error = processSomething();
  if (error) {

I'd like logit() to simply print to the console during testing...and doing a "isTesting()" if/else block inside the logit() function is not an option.

Is this possible without including some additional mocking framework. I'm currently using JsTestDriver for unit testing and have not had a chance to evaluate any mocking frameworks. An ideal solution at the moment would be to handle this without another framework.

like image 578
tjjava Avatar asked Dec 20 '10 01:12


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When mocking global object methods in Jest, the optimal way to do so is using the jest. spyOn() method. It takes the object and name of the method you want to mock, and returns a mock function. The resulting mock function can then be chained to a mocked implementation or a mocked return value.

How do I use stub function?

stub() substitutes the real function and returns a stub object that you can configure using methods like callsFake() . Stubs also have a callCount property that tells you how many times the stub was called. For example, the below code stubs out axios.

What is stubbing in JavaScript?

What are Stubs? A test stub is a function or object that replaces the actual behavior of a module with a fixed response. The stub can only return the fixed response it was programmed to return.

Is Jest mock global?

If you need to mock a global variable for all of your tests, you can use the setupFiles in your Jest config and point it to a file that mocks the necessary variables. This way, you will have the global variable mocked globally for all test suites.

1 Answers

I use Jasmine and Sinon.js (using Coffeescript), here's how I stub out the confirm() method to, for example, just return true.

beforeEach ->
  @confirmStub = sinon.stub(window, 'confirm')

afterEach ->
like image 73
sivabudh Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10
