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Nuxt.js - How to use layout inside layout

i have my deafult layout and i whant to make a page with a layout and inside the layout a component that will be change insdie and chacnge the url to

how i do that with nuxt?

somthing like this pic: https://prnt.sc/kl4zkc

i have my base layout in red and i have a page layout in blue now i have a links ander the Dashbord and i want whnan i click on the links the black box inside change only by other component and the url chacnge to but i didnt the nuxt call again to the blue layout

like image 931
Hai the man Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 14:03

Hai the man

1 Answers

I had a similar issue and solved by nesting pages using <nuxt-child/>.

GIF: How it works

GitHub: Nuxt.js Nested Routes Example Repository (not official)

Create a parent page like pages/group-foo.vue:

    <!-- ... -->
    <nuxt-child />

Then, create a directory with the same name as the parent page: pages/group-foo/.

Also, see these official documents:

  • Nested Routes
  • Dynamic Nested Routes
  • API: The Component
like image 142
dyanagi Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 17:03
