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Nuxt.JS: How to get route url params in a page

I am using Nuxt.js, and have a dymanic page which is defined under


So, when I visit the page url, say, http://localhost:3000/post/hello-world, how can I read this slug parameter value inside my page.

Currently I am geting it using asyncData as follows:

  asyncData ({ params }) {     // called every time before loading the component     return {       slug: params.slug     }   } 

This is working fine, but I think this is not the best way, and there should be a better way to make the parameter available to the page. Any help is appreciated!

like image 786
asanas Avatar asked Jan 02 '18 22:01


People also ask

How do I get query params in NUXT?

To get the query params from an above URL, we can use this. $route. query object inside our vue component <script> tag. Inside the vue component template, you can access it like this.

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To get the current route path in nuxt, we can use this. $route. path or $this. $nuxt.

How does NUXT routing work?

Nuxt automatically generates the vue-router configuration based on your file tree of Vue files inside the pages directory. When you create a . vue file in your pages directory you will have basic routing working with no extra configuration needed.

1 Answers

In the .vue file, to get the Vue router route object:


( notice the Vue router is under the this.$router object)

The $route object has some useful properties:

{   fullpath: string,   params: {     [params_name]: string   },   //fullpath without query   path: string   //all the things after ? in url   query: {     [query_name]: string   } } 

You can use the $route object like this:

    <script>     export default {       mounted() {         console.log(this.$route.fullPath);       }     };     </script> 

the url path params is under the route.params, as in your case route.params.slug

    <script>     export default {       mounted() {         console.log(this.$route.params.slug);       }     };     </script> 

the Vue mouted hook only run on client, when you want to get the params on server, you can use the asyncData method:

    <script>     export default {         asyncData({route, params}) {             if (process.server) {                 //use route object                 console.log(route.params.slug)                 //directly use params                 console.log(params.slug)             }         }     };     </script> 

But, pay attention:

It will be called server-side once (on the first request to the Nuxt app) and client-side when navigating to further routes. ref

If you don't need the params information on server, like you don't need to get data based on the params on server side, I think the mounted hook will suffice.

like image 185
Franci Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
