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numpy slice an array without copying it

I have a large data in matrix x and I need to analyze some some submatrices.

I am using the following code to select the submatrix:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.random.normal(0,1,(20,2))
>>> x
array([[-1.03266826,  0.04646684],
       [ 0.05898304,  0.31834926],
       [-0.1916809 , -0.97929025],
       [-0.48837085, -0.62295003],
       [-0.50731017,  0.50305894],
       [ 0.06457385, -0.10670002],
       [-0.72573604,  1.10026385],
       [-0.90893845,  0.99827162],
       [ 0.20714399, -0.56965615],
       [ 0.8041371 ,  0.21910274],
       [-0.65882317,  0.2657183 ],
       [-1.1214074 , -0.39886425],
       [ 0.0784783 , -0.21630006],
       [-0.91802557, -0.20178683],
       [ 0.88268539, -0.66470235],
       [-0.03652459,  1.49798484],
       [ 1.76329838, -0.26554555],
       [-0.97546845, -2.41823586],
       [ 0.32335103, -1.35091711],
       [-0.12981597,  0.27591674]])
>>> index = x[:,1] > 0
>>> index
array([ True,  True, False, False,  True, False,  True,  True, False,
        True,  True, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False,  True], dtype=bool)
>>> x1 = x[index, :] #x1 is a copy of the submatrix
>>> x1
array([[-1.03266826,  0.04646684],
       [ 0.05898304,  0.31834926],
       [-0.50731017,  0.50305894],
       [-0.72573604,  1.10026385],
       [-0.90893845,  0.99827162],
       [ 0.8041371 ,  0.21910274],
       [-0.65882317,  0.2657183 ],
       [-0.03652459,  1.49798484],
       [-0.12981597,  0.27591674]])
>>> x1[0,0] = 1000
>>> x1
array([[  1.00000000e+03,   4.64668400e-02],
       [  5.89830401e-02,   3.18349259e-01],
       [ -5.07310170e-01,   5.03058935e-01],
       [ -7.25736045e-01,   1.10026385e+00],
       [ -9.08938455e-01,   9.98271624e-01],
       [  8.04137104e-01,   2.19102741e-01],
       [ -6.58823174e-01,   2.65718300e-01],
       [ -3.65245877e-02,   1.49798484e+00],
       [ -1.29815968e-01,   2.75916735e-01]])
>>> x
array([[-1.03266826,  0.04646684],
       [ 0.05898304,  0.31834926],
       [-0.1916809 , -0.97929025],
       [-0.48837085, -0.62295003],
       [-0.50731017,  0.50305894],
       [ 0.06457385, -0.10670002],
       [-0.72573604,  1.10026385],
       [-0.90893845,  0.99827162],
       [ 0.20714399, -0.56965615],
       [ 0.8041371 ,  0.21910274],
       [-0.65882317,  0.2657183 ],
       [-1.1214074 , -0.39886425],
       [ 0.0784783 , -0.21630006],
       [-0.91802557, -0.20178683],
       [ 0.88268539, -0.66470235],
       [-0.03652459,  1.49798484],
       [ 1.76329838, -0.26554555],
       [-0.97546845, -2.41823586],
       [ 0.32335103, -1.35091711],
       [-0.12981597,  0.27591674]])

but I would like x1 to be only a pointer or something like this. Copy the data every time that I need a submatrix is too expensive for me. How can I do that?

EDIT: Apparently there is not any solution with the numpy array. Are the pandas data frame better from this point of view?

like image 454
Donbeo Avatar asked May 14 '15 13:05


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3 Answers

Since index is an array of type bool, you are doing advanced indexing. And the docs say: „Advanced indexing always returns a copy of the data.“

This makes a lot of sense. Compared to normal indexing where you only need to know the start, stop and step, advanced indexing can use any value from the original array without such a simple rule. This would mean having lots of extra meta information where referenced indices point to that might use more memory than a copy.

like image 139
Mike Müller Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10

Mike Müller

The information for your array x is summarized in the .__array_interface__ property

In [433]: x.__array_interface__
{'descr': [('', '<f8')],
 'strides': None,
 'data': (171396104, False),
 'typestr': '<f8',
 'version': 3,
 'shape': (20, 2)}

It has the array shape, strides (default here), and pointer to the data buffer. A view can point to the same data buffer (possibly further along), and have its own shape and strides.

But indexing with your boolean can't be summarized in those few numbers. Either it has to carry the index array all the way through, or copy selected items from the x data buffer. numpy chooses to copy. You have choice of when to apply the index, now or further down the calling stack.

like image 30
hpaulj Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10


If you can manage with a traditional slice such as

x1 = x[3:8]

Then it will be just a pointer.

Have you looked at using masked arrays? You might be able to do exactly what you want.

x = np.array([0.12, 0.23],
             [1.23, 3.32],
             [0.75, 1.23]])

data = np.array([[False, False],
                 [True, True],
                 [True, True]])

x1 = np.ma.array(x, mask=data)
## x1 can be worked on and only includes elements of x where data==False
like image 25
paddyg Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10
