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number which appears more than n/3 times in an array



I have read this problem Find the most common entry in an array

and the answer from jon skeet is just mind blowing .. :)

Now I am trying to solve this problem find an element which occurs more than n/3 times in an array ..

I am pretty sure that we cannot apply the same method because there can be 2 such elements which will occur more than n/3 times and that gives false alarm of the count ..so is there any way we can tweak around jon skeet's answer to work for this ..?

Or is there any solution that will run in linear time ?

like image 407
Sree Ram Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 10:02

Sree Ram

People also ask

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Solution Approachif (arr[i] > max) -> max3 = max2, max2 = max , max = arr[i]. else if (arr[i] > max2) -> max3 = max2, max2 = arr[i]. else if (arr[i] > max3) -> max3 = arr[i]. At the end of the loop, we will print all three values.

How do you find a dominant number in an array?

If there is no such element in the array, return -1. For Example: If the given array ARR = {3,3,3,1,5,6,3} we can see that here 3 occurs 4 times in the array, which is greater than 7/3(N/3), so the dominant number here is 3.

2 Answers

I use the following Python solution to discuss the correctness of the algorithm:

class Solution:
    @param: nums: a list of integers
    @return: The majority number that occurs more than 1/3
    def majorityNumber(self, nums):
        if nums is None:
            return None
        if len(nums) == 0:
            return None

        num1 = None
        num2 = None
        count1 = 0
        count2 = 0

        # Loop 1
        for i, val in enumerate(nums):
            if count1 == 0:
                num1 = val
                count1 = 1
            elif val == num1:
                count1 += 1
            elif count2 == 0:
                num2 = val
                count2 = 1
            elif val == num2:
                count2 += 1
                count1 -= 1
                count2 -= 1

        count1 = 0
        count2 = 0

        for val in nums:
            if val == num1:
                count1 += 1
            elif val == num2:
                count2 += 1

        if count1 > count2:
            return num1

        return num2

First, we need to prove claim A:

Claim A: Consider a list C which contains a majority number m which occurs more floor(n/3) times. After 3 different numbers are removed from C, we have C'. m is the majority number of C'.

Proof: Use R to denote m's occurrence count in C. We have R > floor(n/3). R > floor(n/3) => R - 1 > floor(n/3) - 1 => R - 1 > floor((n-3)/3). Use R' to denote m's occurrence count in C'. And use n' to denote the length of C'. Since 3 different numbers are removed, we have R' >= R - 1. And n'=n-3 is obvious. We can have R' > floor(n'/3) from R - 1 > floor((n-3)/3). So m is the majority number of C'.

Now let's prove the correctness of the loop 1. Define L as count1 * [num1] + count2 * [num2] + nums[i:]. Use m to denote the majority number.


The majority number m is in L.


At the start of the first itearation, L is nums[0:]. So the invariant is trivially true.


  1. if count1 == 0 branch: Before the iteration, L is count2 * [num2] + nums[i:]. After the iteration, L is 1 * [nums[i]] + count2 * [num2] + nums[i+1:]. In other words, L is not changed. So the invariant is maintained.

  2. if val == num1 branch: Before the iteration, L is count1 * [nums[i]] + count2 * [num2] + nums[i:]. After the iteration, L is (count1+1) * [num[i]] + count2 * [num2] + nums[i+1:]. In other words, L is not changed. So the invariant is maintained.

  3. f count2 == 0 branch: Similar to condition 1.
  4. elif val == num2 branch: Similar to condition 2.
  5. else branch: nums[i], num1 and num2 are different to each other in this case. After the iteration, L is (count1-1) * [num1] + (count2-1) * [num2] + nums[i+1:]. In other words, three different numbers are moved from count1 * [num1] + count2 * [num2] + nums[i:]. From claim A, we know m is the majority number of L.So the invariant is maintained.


When the loop terminates, nums[n:] is empty. L is count1 * [num1] + count2 * [num2].

So when the loop terminates, the majority number is either num1 or num2.

like image 168
Jingguo Yao Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Jingguo Yao

Jan Dvorak's answer is probably best:

  • Start with two empty candidate slots and two counters set to 0.
  • for each item:
    • if it is equal to either candidate, increment the corresponding count
    • else if there is an empty slot (i.e. a slot with count 0), put it in that slot and set the count to 1
    • else reduce both counters by 1

At the end, make a second pass over the array to check whether the candidates really do have the required count. This isn't allowed by the question you link to but I don't see how to avoid it for this modified version. If there is a value that occurs more than n/3 times then it will be in a slot, but you don't know which one it is.

If this modified version of the question guaranteed that there were two values with more than n/3 elements (in general, k-1 values with more than n/k) then we wouldn't need the second pass. But when the original question has k=2 and 1 guaranteed majority there's no way to know whether we "should" generalize it as guaranteeing 1 such element or guaranteeing k-1. The stronger the guarantee, the easier the problem.

like image 34
Steve Jessop Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Steve Jessop