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Hot Or Not / Facemash algorithm - Why Elo's Rating Algo? [closed]



In the social network movie i saw Mark used Elo rating system

But was Elo rating system necessary ?
can anyone tell me what was the advantage using elo's rating system ?
Can the problem be solved in this way too ?
is there any problem in this algo [written below] ?

Table Structure

  • Name Name of the woman
  • Pic_Name [pk] Path to the picture
  • Impressions Number, the images was shown
  • Votes Number, people selected as hot

Now we show randomly 2 photos from the database and the hottest woman is selected by Maximum number of Votes

Before voting close/down please write your reason

like image 325
Sourav Avatar asked Jun 18 '11 07:06


People also ask

Does Facemash use Elo rating system?

Yes, Facemash used Elo rating system . Elo algorithm or Elo rating system, named after its creator Arpad Elo. This rating system is used to rate the skills of the players in competitor-versus-competitor games like chess, football, baseball, and American football.

What is Elo rating algorithm?

The Elo rating algorithm for a rating is used in almost every sports event either in its basic format or with some modifications. Now you know the algorithm which rates football players like Messi and Ronaldo in comparison to others, or how a player in a video game like Mortal Kombat or Tekken can get a higher rating than others.

Why don’t more organizations use an Elo-based rating system?

Sometimes, the rating system discourages game activity for players who wish to protect their rating. Additionally, when players can choose their own opponents, they can choose opponents with minimal risk of losing, and maximum reward for winning. These are the main reasons for many organizations opting out of using an Elo-based rating system.

What is ELO in Overwatch?

The Esports game Overwatch uses a derivative of the Elo system to rank competitive players with various adjustments made between competitive seasons. In the MMORPG Guild Wars, Elo ratings are used to record guild rating gained and lost through guild versus guild battles, which are two-team fights.

2 Answers

But was that necessary?

No, there are several different ways of implement such system.

Can anyone tell me what was the advantage using elo's rating system ?

The main advantage and the central idea in Elo's system is that if someone with low rating wins over someone with high rating their ratings are updated by a larger number, than if the two had similar rating to start with. This means that the ratings will converge fairly quickly.

I don't really see how your approach is a good one. First of all it seems like it depends on how often a pic is randomly selected for potential upvoting. Even if you showed all pics equally many times, the property described above doesn't hold. I.e, if some one wins over a really hot girl, she would still get only a single upvote. This means that your approach wouldn't converge as quickly as Elo's system. In fact, the approach you propose doesn't converge to some steady rating-values at all.

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aioobe Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


Simply counting the number of votes and ranking women by that is not adequate and I can think of two reasons why:

What if a woman is average-looking but by luck her picture get displayed more often? Then she would get more votes and her ranking would rise inappropriately.

What if a woman is average-looking but by luck your website would always compare her to ugly women? The she would get more votes and her ranking would rise inappropriately.

I don't know much about the Elo rating system but it probably doesn't suffer from problems like this.

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David Grayson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

David Grayson