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Number of parameters for Keras SimpleRNN

I have a SimpleRNN like:

model.add(SimpleRNN(10, input_shape=(3, 1)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation="linear"))

The model summary says:

simple_rnn_1 (SimpleRNN)   (None, 10)   120       

I am curious about the parameter number 120 for simple_rnn_1.

Could you someone answer my question?

like image 528
youngtackpark Avatar asked May 02 '18 12:05


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2 Answers

When you look at the headline of the table you see the title Param:

Layer (type)              Output Shape   Param 
simple_rnn_1 (SimpleRNN)   (None, 10)    120   

This number represents the number of trainable parameters (weights and biases) in the respective layer, in this case your SimpleRNN.


The formula for calculating the weights is as follows:

recurrent_weights + input_weights + biases

*resp: (num_features + num_units)* num_units + num_units


num_units = equals the number of units in the RNN

num_features = equals the number features of your input

Now you have two things happening in your RNN.

First you have the recurrent loop, where the state is fed recurrently into the model to generate the next step. Weights for the recurrent step are:

recurrent_weights = num_units*num_units

The secondly you have new input of your sequence at each step.

input_weights = num_features*num_units

(Usually both last RNN state and new input are concatenated and then multiplied with one single weight matrix, nevertheless inputs and last RNN state use different weights)

So now we have the weights, whats missing are the biases - for every unit one bias:

biases = num_units*1

So finally we have the formula:

recurrent_weights + input_weights + biases


num_units* num_units + num_features* num_units + biases


(num_features + num_units)* num_units + biases

In your cases this means the trainable parameters are:

10*10 + 1*10 + 10 = 120

I hope this is understandable, if not just tell me - so I can edit it to make it more clear.

like image 144
MBT Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09


It might be easier to understand visually with a simple network like this:

enter image description here

The number of weights is 16 (4 * 4) + 12 (3 * 4) = 28 and the number of biases is 4.

where 4 is the number of units and 3 is the number of input dimensions, so the formula is just like in the first answer: num_units ^ 2 + num_units * input_dim + num_units or simply num_units * (num_units + input_dim + 1), which yields 10 * (10 + 1 + 1) = 120 for the parameters given in the question.

like image 33
tromgy Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
