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?? Null Coalescing Operator --> What does coalescing mean?

I'm tempted to lie and say that English is my second language, but the truth is that I just have no idea what 'Coalescing' means. I know what ?? 'does' in C#, but the name doesn't make sense to me.

I looked up the word and I understand it to be a synonym for 'join'. 'Null Join Operator' still doesn't make sense.

Can someone enlighten me?

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Rob P. Avatar asked Apr 20 '09 21:04

Rob P.

People also ask

What is coalescing in programming?

In computer science, coalescing is a part of memory management in which two adjacent free blocks of computer memory are merged. When a program no longer requires certain blocks of memory, these blocks of memory can be freed.

Which is null-coalescing operator?

The nullish coalescing operator ( ?? ) is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined , and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.

Why we use null-coalescing operator?

operator is known as Null-coalescing operator. It will return the value of its left-hand operand if it is not null. If it is null, then it will evaluate the right-hand operand and returns its result. Or if the left-hand operand evaluates to non-null, then it does not evaluate its right-hand operand.

What is null-conditional and null coalescing?

In cases where a statement could return null, the null-coalescing operator can be used to ensure a reasonable value gets returned. This code returns the name of an item or the default name if the item is null. As you can see, this operator is a handy tool when working with the null-conditional operator.

1 Answers

I'm tempted to lie and say that English is my second language...but the truth is that I just have no idea what 'Coalescing' means. I know what ?? 'does' in C#, but the name doesn't make sense to me.

I looked up the word and I understand it to be a synonym for 'join'.

I'd say a more accurate description of "coalesce" would be "to form one thing from different elements". The "coalescing" of the ?? operator happens because a single value is always resolved from one of the two values. The first non-null value is the result.

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John Feminella Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

John Feminella