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Nuget package "Not available in this source"... but VS still knows about it?

I've come across a screen that I've never seen before, while playing with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL source code, looking for a bug that's blocking my app from running properly.

As things stand right now, I can't even build the source code.


I can't build this code, because the packages can't be found; yet, Visual Studio knows that the latest release is the one I want. How is this possible? What (if anything) can I do to get the packages installed?

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Jeremy Holovacs Avatar asked Apr 08 '18 14:04

Jeremy Holovacs

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2 Answers

Thanks @LeoLiu-MSFT In my case, I was not seeing any other option than the Microsoft Visual Studio Offline package so I need to add myself.

  1. click on the setting Icon

enter image description here

  1. Below window will open write the NuGet details if does not allow to write edit the existing

enter image description here

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Ishika Jain Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Ishika Jain

Nuget package “Not available in this source”… but VS still knows about it?

You should select nuget.org as package source, not All. Tseng pointed the correct direction. You probably have a myget feed in your project/Visual Studio.

According to the package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore on the nuget.org, the latest version is only 2.1.0-preview1-final (current version) not have the version 2.1.0-preview3-32169. So the package you have installed is not comes from nuget.org.

If you add a custom nuget feed with source: https://dotnet.myget.org/F/aspnetcore-dev/api/v3/index.json

Then you will see the version 2.1.0-preview3-32169.

So, to resolve this issue, you should select the nuget.org as package source or disable the package source from dotnet.myget.org.

Hope this helps.

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Leo Liu-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Leo Liu-MSFT