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NSNotifications name best practice

As for using constant strings in your project, there’s another question on Stack Overflow about that: Constants in Objective C.

As for naming notifications, Coding Guidelines for Cocoa suggests the following:

Notifications are identified by global NSString objects whose names are composed in this way:

[Name of associated class] + [Did | Will] + [UniquePartOfName] + Notification

This doesn't follow the Apple-suggested format exactly, nor does it directly answer your question, but I thought I'd share these handy-dandy text macros that I use to spare myself a little typing when making notification and key names. You can assign these a keyboard shortcut, type in and select the [Did|Will] + [UniquePartOfName] segment, then hit the shortcut to produce the variable and its value. You could also use $(FILENAMEASIDENTIFIER) instead of $(PROJECTNAME) if you were defining these strings in the header of a particular class, and that would conform to the suggestion.

//MARK: Notification strings
    { /*
       * Use the selection to make the name and string for a Notification.
       * The string has a prefix placeholder, defaulting to the project name.
      Identifier = objc.notestring;
      BasedOn = objc;
      IsMenuItem = YES;
      Name = "Notification Name From Selection";
      TextString = "<#$(PROJECTNAME)#><#!notename!#>Notification = @\"<#$(PROJECTNAME)#><#!notename!#>Notification\";";
      CompletionPrefix = notestring;
    { /*
       * Insert placeholders to make the name and string for a Notification.
       * This is for use without a selection, and so "only" activates at the 
       * beginning of the line.
      Identifier = objc.notestring.bol;
      BasedOn = objc.notestring;
      IsMenuItem = YES;
      Name = "Notification Name From Selection";
      OnlyAtBOL = YES;
      CompletionPrefix = notestring;

//MARK: Default Key strings
    { /*
       * Convert the selection into a name and string for use in the User 
       * Defaults system. The string has a placeholder for a prefix, which
       * defaults to the project name.
      Identifier = objc.defaultskeystring;
      BasedOn = objc;
      IsMenuItem = YES;
      Name = "UserDefaults Key From Selection";
      OnlyAtBOL = NO;
      TextString = "<#$(PROJECTNAME)#><#!keyname!#>Key = @\"<#$(PROJECTNAME)#><#!keyname!#>Key\";";
      CompletionPrefix = defaultskey;
    { /*
       * Insert placeholders to make the name and string for a a key for the
       * User Defaults system. This is for use without a selection, and so 
       * "only" activates at the beginning of the line.
      Identifier = objc.defaultskeystring.bol;
      BasedOn = objc.defaultskeystring;
      IsMenuItem = YES;
      OnlyAtBOL = YES;
      Name = "UserDefaults Key From Selection";
      CompletionPrefix = defaultskey;

These are Xcode 3 macros. I know the macro system is different in Xcode 4 (which I'm not using yet), but I believe the conversion is simple and can be automated.