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NSDateFormatter still parsing instead having incorrect format

Having some problems parsing date. I have an array of supported formats and once I receive the date (string) from API, I try to parse it iterating through the formats until I get a valid NSDate object.

A snippet from Xcode Playground --

let dateString = "02/06/1987" // --> want to parse into this Feb 6, not Jun 2
let dateFormatIncorrect = "dd.MM.yyyy"
let dateFormatCorrect = "MM/dd/yyyy"
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()

dateFormatter.dateFormat = dateFormatIncorrect
let date = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dateString)! // "Jun 2, 1987, 12:00 AM"

dateFormatter.dateFormat = dateFormatCorrect
let date2 = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dateString)! // "Feb 6, 1987, 12:00 AM"

Why does it parse the date even though the format is clearly incorrect for a given string? Could not find anything in the docs regarding date formatter ignoring separators.

I realise the proper solution would be to have a fixed format returned from API but was wondering what is happening here?


like image 499
sharoni Avatar asked Nov 10 '14 09:11


1 Answers

It seems that NSDateFormatter is extremely lenient when parsing a date string. Unfortunately, I could not find a reference for this, but even with

dateFormatIncorrect = "'aaa'dd'bbb'MM'ccc'yyyy'ddd'"

the date string "02/06/1987" is successfully parsed. There is a lenient property, but that is false by default, and setting it explicitly makes no difference.

As a workaround, you could convert the parsed date back to a string, and only if the result is equal to the original string, the date is accepted:

extension NSDateFormatter {

    func checkedDateFromString(string : String) -> NSDate? {
        if let date = self.dateFromString(string) {
            if self.stringFromDate(date) == string {
                return date
        return nil

Using this custom extension,


returns nil for the incorrect date format.

Generally, if you work with fixed date formats, you should also set the locale to "en_US_POSIX"

dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")

(see What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale "feechur"?). However, this makes no difference for this particular problem.

Update for Swift 3:

extension DateFormatter {

    func checkedDate(from: String) -> Date? {
        if let date = date(from: from), string(from: date) == from {
            return date
        return nil
like image 124
Martin R Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Martin R