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npm "resolved"-fields in package-lock.json change constantly with JFrog artifactory

We have a private JFrog artifactory (name anonymised below) that npm is configured in a project root .npmrc -file:


The resolved-field in the package-lock.json file shared via Git between developers is constantly changing between runs of "npm install" without any changes to package.json.

Some times a dl query parameter (pointing to the exactly same URL) gets added to the resolved URL:

- "resolved": "https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com:443/api/npm/npm-registry-virtual/@sailshq/lodash/-/lodash-3.10.3.tgz",
+ "resolved": "https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com:443/api/npm/npm-registry-virtual/@sailshq/lodash/-/lodash-3.10.3.tgz?dl=https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com/@sailshq/lodash/-/lodash-3.10.3.tgz",

Some times the query parameter points to npmjs.org registry:

 - "resolved": "https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com:443/api/npm/npm-registry-virtual/aproba/-/aproba-1.2.0.tgz",
 - "resolved": "https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com:443/api/npm/npm-registry-virtual/aproba/-/aproba-1.2.0.tgz?dl=https://registry.npmjs.org/aproba/-/aproba-1.2.0.tgz",

And some times the field points directly to npmjs.org repository:

- "resolved": "https://artifactory.jfrog.private.com:443/api/npm/npm-registry-virtual/acorn/-/acorn-3.3.0.tgz",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/acorn/-/acorn-3.3.0.tgz",

Any of these changes may also go to the inverse direction.

This is really irritating, since it means we constantly have meaningless changes in package-lock.json, which causes merge conflicts and often prevents npm ci from executing correctly. npm cache clean --force does not seem to help. I know that npm install can resolve package-lock.json merge conflicts automatically, but that does not help with npm ci (since the whole point is to not run npm install in the CI environment). And, anyway, what is the benefit of seeing how the virtual npm registry resolves the packages internally (as I suspect is happening here)?

Is there some kind of configuration option to prevent JFrog Artifactory from making these kinds of changes to the resolved package URLs in a virtual npm registry? Or is it maybe a bug in npm?


  • npm 6.11.3
  • JFrog Artifactory 6.10.6
like image 733
Ville Heikkilä Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 15:09

Ville Heikkilä

People also ask

Why does package lock json keep changing?

The reason package-lock. json may change automatically when you run npm install is because NPM is updating the package-lock. json file to accurately reflect all the dependencies it has downloaded since it may have gotten more up-to-date versions of some of them. Once NPM updates the package-lock.

Does package lock json update automatically?

package-lock. json is updated automatically on dependency changes. It should be committed to version control to ensure the same dependencies on install.

What does resolved mean in package lock json?

The purpose of resolved in package-lock. json is to bypass the dependency resolution step (fetching metadata) when you are missing packages. integrity is to verify that you're getting the same thing.

Does npm update change package lock json?

npm install will generate a new package-lock. json if it does not exist or it will update the dependency tree if it does not match the packages specified in the package. json . npm ci will install packages based on package-lock.

2 Answers

I don't know why those alternate URLs are appearing or how to make them stop. But you can reduce (or maybe even eliminate!) the merge conflict pain for your developers by using npm-merge-driver. It was written by one of the devs who was employed on the npm cli team for years, and its sole purpose is to automate away package-lock.json merge conflicts.

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Trott Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


Our team has had success running npm ci first to ensure our locally pulled down and cached dependencies match the package-lock.json file.

Then, further npm installs should resolve as expected.

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Michael Cortez Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Michael Cortez