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npm private registry username with special characters


I'm trying to access a private npm registry that is hosted in a remote server. I have to access it using username and password. There is no proxy on my side.

But, the username and password which I use, have URL unsafe characters. I've tried adduser, npmjs, scl but I'm unable to configure the credentials :

npm WARN Name may not contain non-url-safe chars 

I've tried to set NPM_USER and NPM_PASS directly from command line. I'm able to set the former but the later fails. Even if I use a simple password and try :

npm login 

It fails with the same error since NPM_USER has a @

I'm using npmrc to switch between public and private registries. I want to avoid tools like Nexus/JFrog.

npm version - 4.0.5 and OS is Windows 7

What am I missing here?

like image 718
EtherealVoid Avatar asked Jan 09 '17 08:01


People also ask

What is npm private registry?

With npm private packages, you can use the npm registry to host code that is only visible to you and chosen collaborators, allowing you to manage and use private code alongside public code in your projects. Private packages always have a scope, and scoped packages are private by default.

Why do we need .npmrc file?

The npmrc manages the npm config files. The config setting for npm is gotten from the command line, environment variables and the npmrc files. You can use the npm config command to update and edit the contents of the user and global npmrc files.

1 Answers

So to recap, your problem is that your private registry uses email addresses for user names, which is not currently supported by the npm command line tools. You need a way to provide your user name without running npm adduser or npm login. I don't know which registry you are using, but I had the same problem with Inedo's Proget.

EDIT: I have the same problem in March 2021, with Azure Artifacts in Azure DevOps, because the npm command-line tools still don't allow @ in usernames, and also the vsts-npm-auth command-line tool does not work on Linux or Mac. I have also had the same problem with Artifactory.

If you're using a private registry and you are using scopes to separate the different registries, you can create an .npmrc file that looks like this:

#Settings for @SCOPENAME @SCOPENAME:registry=https://DOMAIN/FEED/ //DOMAIN/FEED/:username=USER@DOMAIN //DOMAIN/FEED/:_password=BASE64(PASSWORD) //DOMAIN/FEED/:email=EMAIL_ADDRESS //DOMAIN/FEED/:always-auth=true  #Settings for @OTHERSCOPENAME @OTHERSCOPENAME:registry=... 

This next bit might be important, but it depends on your registry's preferred feed urls: I couldn't get this to work properly without the trailing / so take care to try both with and without it.

An easy way to get the base64 encoding of your password is to run:

echo -n 'PASSWORD' | base64 

EDIT: For some registries, like Azure Artifacts, you need to use a personal access token instead of your normal password. Look up the instructions for your registry about how to create a token.

EDIT: It's also possible to have the .npmrc file without scopes, if you are only using one registry:

# Global settings registry=https://DOMAIN/FEED/ //DOMAIN/FEED/:username=USER@DOMAIN //DOMAIN/FEED/:_password=BASE64(PASSWORD) //DOMAIN/FEED/:email=EMAIL_ADDRESS //DOMAIN/FEED/:always-auth=true 
like image 78
Anders Marzi Tornblad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Anders Marzi Tornblad