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Notepad++: how to recover a deleted file?



Notepad++ has a "Keep non existing dialog". I wrongly clicked on "NO" on this dialog and now want to know if is there any way to reopen the deleted file?

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Amir Keshavarz Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 20:02

Amir Keshavarz

People also ask

Can I recover a notepad file that I didn't save?

Since the unsaved content of a notepad file is temporarily stored in the computer memory, you can still recover the missing material by restoring the unsaved files or recovering the deleted notepad files from local temporary files.

Where do unsaved notepad files go?

If you want to recover a notepad file that is unsaved after a restart, you can go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming to find the unsaved text file.

2 Answers

Just before crashing NotePad++ creates a backup file you could find here : %AppData%/Notepad++/backup This trick saved me so much time and work! I hope this would work with you too!

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CPG Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


Did you LOST/DELETED/CRASHED your notepad++ file? Which you think you Gonna type them all Again :(

Na, no need & no worries you still have it try this method... :)


  1. Try run - by win+r (clicking windows button on keyboard and R together)
  2. Past this path - %AppData%/Notepad++/plugins/config/NppFTP/Cache
  3. if method didn't work for you as you already closed the program after the fatal error.

    Then Instead of pasting this


    as suggested above, go a few sub-directories back and one over, to


    TADA!! Hopefully a copy of your lost file should be there.Mine was.

     ----->  **Cheers !! Hopefully this helps others too** <-----
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Uthpal Umesh Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Uthpal Umesh