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Notepad++ go to definition



Is there a way for Notepad++ to navigate to a definition? I'd like to give it a directory where my libraries are, search it and open the source/header file at the line of reference in a new tab. Much like NetBeans.

I've just installed SourceCookifier, it's good but I can't get it to search anything else but the already opened files. Any suggestions?

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kaiseroskilo Avatar asked Sep 05 '11 09:09


3 Answers

In Notepad++, you can use TagsJump plugin to jump to a definition. Install it by using PluginManager.

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N.V.Nhat Vu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

N.V.Nhat Vu

Simply drag and drop your top level source folder into the SourceCookifier window. Additionally pressing SHIFT, CTRL or ALT while dropping will speed up everything, since no tags are shown in the tree view then. Check out the short manual and start using session files.

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ufo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09


Just like ufo, I had better results with Source Cookifier.

After opening its side window

  1. Go to "Cookie session mode"

Cookie Session mode

  1. Drag & Drop your folders with source code to Source Cookifier window

  2. Select the type of files you want to parse

Select file type

  1. In Notepad++, put the cursor in the function/type you want to get definition of, and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to jump to the definition. If there are several definitions, you can choose the file you want to open

Select file

  1. You can press ALT+LEFT to come back to the previous location

Navigate Backward


  • You can save and load the cookie sessions; moreover, Source Cookifier display the history of the latest sessions
  • Opening the file of a saved session in Notepad++ will automatically switch SourceCookifier into cookie session mode and load this session
  • Maintaining a keyboard modifier (CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT - they are all similar) while drag-dropping the folder will fasten the parsing by only adding INCLUDES and not tags

Drad&Drop with keyboard modifier

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Jean-Francois T. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Jean-Francois T.