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Non-sequential substitution in SymPy

I'm trying to use [SymPy][1] to substitute multiple terms in an expression at the same time. I tried the [subs function][2] with a dictionary as parameter, but found out that it substitutes sequentially.

In : a.subs({a:b, b:c})
Out: c

The problem is the first substitution resulted in a term that can be substituted by the second substitution, but it should not (for my cause).

Any idea on how to perform the substitutions simultaneously, without them interfering with each other?

Edit: This is a real example

In [1]: I_x, I_y, I_z = Symbol("I_x"), Symbol("I_y"), Symbol("I_z")

In [2]: S_x, S_y, S_z = Symbol("S_x"), Symbol("S_y"), Symbol("S_z")

In [3]: J_is = Symbol("J_IS")

In [4]: t = Symbol("t")

In [5]: substitutions = (
(2 * I_x * S_z, 2 * I_x * S_z * cos(2 * pi * J_is * t) + I_y * sin(2 * pi * J_is * t)),
(I_x,  I_x * cos(2 * pi * J_is * t) + 2 * I_x * S_z * sin(2 * pi * J_is * t)),
(I_y,  I_y * cos(2 * pi * J_is * t) - 2 * I_x * S_z * sin(2 * pi * J_is * t))

In [6]: (2 * I_x * S_z).subs(substitutions)
Out[7]: (I_y*cos(2*pi*J_IS*t) - 2*I_x*S_z*sin(2*pi*J_IS*t))*sin(2*pi*J_IS*t) + 2*S_z*(I_x*cos(2*pi*J_IS*t) + 2*I_x*S_z*sin(2*pi*J_IS*t))*cos(2*pi*J_IS*t)

Only the appropriate substitution should happen, in this case only the first one. So the expected output should be the following:

In [6]: (2 * I_x * S_z).subs(substitutions)
Out[7]: I_y*sin(2*pi*J_IS*t) + 2*I_x*S_z*cos(2*pi*J_IS*t)
like image 439
Mad Scientist Avatar asked Jun 20 '10 18:06

Mad Scientist

1 Answers

The current version of sympy provides the keyword simultaneous. The complicated operations in the previous answers are no more necessary:

In [1]: (x*sin(y)).subs([(x,y),(y,x)],simultaneous=True)
Out[1]: y⋅sin(x)
like image 104
Krastanov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
