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Non-blocking file read

How can I read the contents of a binary or a text file in a non-blocking mode?

For binary files: when I open(filename, mode='rb'), I get an instance of io.BufferedReader. The documentation fort io.BufferedReader.read says:

Read and return size bytes, or if size is not given or negative, until EOF or if the read call would block in non-blocking mode.

Obviously a straightforward open(filename, 'rb').read() is in a blocking mode. To my surprise, I could not find an explanation anywhere in the io docs of how to choose the non-blocking mode.

For text files: when I open(filename, mode='rt'), I get io.TextIOWrapper. I assume the relevant docs are those for read in its base class, io.TextIOBase; and according to those docs, there seems no way to do non-blocking read at all:

Read and return at most size characters from the stream as a single str. If size is negative or None, reads until EOF.

like image 777
max Avatar asked Oct 09 '16 21:10


2 Answers

Python does support non-blocking reads, at least on Unix type systems, by setting the O_NONBLOCK flag. In Python 3.5+, there is the os.set_blocking() function which makes this easier:

import os
f = open(filename, 'rb')
os.set_blocking(f.fileno(), False)
f.read()  # This will be non-blocking.

However, as zvone's answer notes, this doesn't necessarily work on actual disk files. This isn't a Python thing though, but an OS limitation. As the Linux open(2) man page states:

Note that this flag has no effect for regular files and block devices; that is, I/O operations will (briefly) block when device activity is required, regardless of whether O_NONBLOCK is set.

But it does suggest this may be implemented in the future:

Since O_NONBLOCK semantics might eventually be implemented, applications should not depend upon blocking behavior when specifying this flag for regular files and block devices.

like image 146
emorris Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


I suggest using aiofiles - a library for handling local disk files in asyncio applications.

import aiofiles

async def read_without_blocking():
    f = await aiofiles.open('filename', mode='r')
        contents = await f.read()
        await f.close()
like image 30
Juggernaut Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
