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Nodejs Request Promise How to display status code

I am using the request library to make external api calls. https://github.com/request/request. I am using the native promise/async extention. https://github.com/request/request-promise-native.

However I am not able to check the status code, it is undefined.

public async session(): Promise<any> {

    const url = <removed>;

    const options = {

        uri: url,
        headers: {
            'Authorization': this.config.token
        json: true,
        body: {

    try {
        const res = await request.post(options);

        if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
            // do something
        console.log("statuscode", res.statusCode)
        return res;
    } catch (err) {
        return err;

The res.statusCode is undefined.

like image 604
Kay Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 09:06


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1 Answers

According to the documentation we need to define in the options that we want to return the full response.


const options = {

        resolveWithFullResponse: true

like image 116
Kay Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10
